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Why Should I Tithe and Where is the Tithe Supposed to go?

by | Nov 2, 2014

Have you ever asked yourself why God’s wants us to give tithes and offerings? I have. I don’t like doing things just because, I like to know more.

It seems to me that God does everything for a purpose, and therefore I believe he asks us to give for a purpose… but what is it?

Because of my own questions I decided to do my own research. I studied the Bible, listened to sermons and read books -this is what I discovered.

What does the Bible say?

I now truly believe that God requires us to give for these reasons.

  1. Because He first gave. If we are to be called to be more like Christ then we are to be givers.
  2. Because faith without works is dead. Giving requires faith. It requires an understanding of who God is. Giving strengthens our faith and provides even more opportunities for God to show His ability to provide for us.
  3. It brings about financial discipline. It forces us to deliberate about our finances. I believe God this is something He wants. He likes us to plan and be intentional with our finances.

We must give with the right heart. The difference between Cain and Able in the Old Testament was that Cain tithed whereas Abel was a tither – the difference was in the attitude. Abel gave from a loving and grateful heart, whereas Cain just gave out of obligation. Abel’s offering was accepted whereas Cain’s was not.

Where should the tithe go?

So where are we to give our tithes? Does God give direction about where He wants us to give?

I believe He does. Malachi 3:10 it declares these amazing words… Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

What is the storehouse in today’s context? Based on all the reading and research I’ve done, I’m absolutely convinced the Storehouse is the local church – your church.

So the answer is… bring your tithes to your local church.

Isn’t this verse in Malachi amazing? God tells us where to bring our tithes to and then what He’s going to do for us – He will open up the floodgates of Heaven and bless us.

So if you’re not tithing to your local church, please start so that God can bless you even more. Remember what is says in Malachi – bring the WHOLE tithe, not just some of it.

It’s an act of faith on our part and it’s an opportunity to be blessed by God – that’s His part.

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