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Money-Saving Tips for Single Women

by | Apr 4, 2015

“Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.” ~Coco Chanel

Saving money is a key priority for singles, or for couples with a single income, and one of the best ways to do this is obviously to cut back on unnecessary spending. However, there are literally dozens of other ways to save some money without giving up everything that we love. Here are just a few ideas for the ladies:

  1. Split your pay-cheque into separate bank accounts and savings before you even see the funds by filling out the necessary forms with your workplace. Most HR departments have ways to complete direct deposit for multiple accounts, so that you never have to worry about setting aside money into savings. You’ll never see it and therefore be tempted to spend it if it is automatically deposited, and you might be surprised at how quickly this adds up.
  2. Skip the salon to save big on hairstyles and haircuts for the whole family. Many cosmetology schools offer free haircuts if you’re willing to let them practice on you. It sounds scary, but by the time they are allowed to practice, most cosmetologists have already displayed enough skill and expertise that their teachers are confident in them. Sometimes a little money is required for washing, styling, dyeing, highlighting, and similar things, but the savings are still huge overall.
  3. Ditch the alcohol and cigarettes. As Christians, we are called to live to a higher standard anyway, and the savings add up really fast. If necessary, invest in a smoking-cessation aid for short-term help or join a local support group for alcohol or smoking cessation. You are not alone when it comes to giving them up, and it’s better for your health too, so you save money on doctor visits also.
  4. Try DIY and/or discount websites for beauty aids from shaving cream to lotion and even nutritional supplements. If you can think of it, there’s probably a way to make it cheaper at home, and often with little work or time spent. Buying from friends or online sites that offer these items for far less money is another great idea. Be very careful about online purchases though, since some people promise the moon and deliver a disaster instead.
  5. Give up your gym membership. This sounds crazy for those who want to stay active and healthy, but there are literally hundreds of personal trainers and fitness gurus who offer streaming videos—for little or no cost—to use at home. You may not have a home gym, but videos such as walk aerobics, cardio, yoga, Zumba, and belly-dance are all available. Those that do cost money are often far less than the average gym membership and you can always do it with a friend or family member if you want some accountability.  If you need to buy some basic equipment such as some dumbbells then get them second hand online – and you’ll still be ahead of paying for a year’s gym membership!
  6. Be sparing with the heater and air conditioner. I know, ladies like to be very comfortable during the hot and cold months, but sometimes a box fan, ceiling fan, cup of hot tea, an extra jumper or cozy blanket will save a lot of money overall. Turn the heater and A/C to the most energy-efficient setting and use other methods if you still feel a little cool or warm.

Overall, be willing to give yourself a little breathing room here and there. You are working very hard to save money and get out of debt, but you’ll go crazy if you deny yourself everything imaginable. When it doesn’t take away from a bill or your emergency fund, treat yourself every once in a while.

This can be something simple like lunch with a girlfriend or a new bottle of nail polish, and it’ll make you feel special again. Getting out of debt is extremely important, but not worth a total nervous breakdown, so balance it with a special low cost but valuable indulgence that doesn’t break the bank, much like being on a diet but having a rare cheat meal.  Just don’t go overboard!