Money and Relationships

Are Finances Causing Stress in Your Marriage and Family?

Karen Peterson, a columnist for USA Today wrote, “To some people, money means power; to others, love. For some the topic is boorish, in bad taste. For others, it’s more private than sex. Add family dynamics to the mix and for many you have the subject from hell” (Peterson 1992). Clearly not discussing the problem won’t help it go away.

In most relationships, one partner is usually responsible for daily money management. Regular time needs to be set aside for discussing the budget and goals and direction for future money. The issue of money management within a marriage isn’t so much about having joint accounts or separate accounts, but how you go about setting up appropriate frameworks where the two of you can calmly and practically discuss money issues and values in order to make financial decisions together.

Some questions to consider

  • Have you found that it’s not children, sex, the in-laws or anything else. It’s money that causes the fights in your home?
  • Did you know that one of the top causes of marriage breakdown is financial problems?
  • Have you noticed how Money can affect many relationships – not just marriages? For example, have your ever borrowed money from a family member and noticed a change in the relationship?

To assist couples and families in this very important aspect of family life GMM has developed a course which has proved a great benefit to many. It looks at the following issues:

1. Your partner not interested in getting involved in the finances? Don’t worry – we can show you how to influence your partner by positive changes that flow from managing it God’s way. We’ve seen uninterested and disengaged partners become very interested and very engaged when they see the positive changes in their partner.

2. We have time-proven methods to get you on the same page financially and bring financial peace into your home. After all, ‘a house divided cannot stand’ Mark 3:24-25.

3. Values around money are formed when we are children, which begs the question of what are we teaching the next generation? Children will form their views and beliefs by the way their parents deal with money, and through experiences with money throughout life.  What ‘baggage’ (good or bad) are we bringing into our relationships that have been passed down from our parents and grandparents and the way they dealt with finances?