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The Wealth List

by | Oct 15, 2015

We’ve been focusing on some really thought-provoking topics for the last few months, but sometimes a little fun can be a great stress reliever. Our money is often the thought that keeps us awake at night (if yours is still doing this, time to reread some blog posts about trusting God), but it’s not the most important thing in our lives. Sure, it’s nice to have a list of paid bills and letters that show the debt level dropping dramatically, but it’s better to understand just how much God has provided and how far you’ve come.

Eat Your Dinner

You probably haven’t heard this command since childhood—unless you’re a parent, in which case you’ve probably said it yourself recently—but every time you eat, you’re ingesting a blessing from God. It may not always be the food you want, but Vegemite sandwiches are just as much a blessing as steak and baked potatoes. God has provided food on the table—which is more than some people in the world can say during the course of each day.

Drink Your Water

Some of us aren’t very fond of water, even with ice, but it’s more of a blessing than you might imagine in our modern world. Clean drinking water is in short supply all over the world, even in some major cities across the globe, and if you aren’t dealing with this problem, then you should recognise it as God’s hand at work in your life. Drink it up and say thank you with each sip!

Fun and Games

Now that you’ve had the reminder about what we take for granted the most during the course of a day, have some fun with finding where you stand on the rich list, which takes your net income and places you among the world’s elite earners. Are you where you want to be, or do you still have a ways to go to reach the top of the mega-wealthy list? http://www.globalrichlist.com/

The Wealth List

To discover why this blog post is called The Wealth List instead of The Rich List, think about the subheadings we’ve used so far. You have food, water, fun and games, just to name a few of the things that God chooses to bless you with in life. Some people have just one of these, perhaps two, but a few of the truly blessed experience all three each day. If you can honestly say that you’re one of those people, take a moment to count your blessings—because this is part of true wealth. How much money you have, how extensive your family is, what address you call home and what you drive doesn’t matter nearly as much as God providing for your basic necessities. He wants you to enjoy your life, whether you have no children or twenty, a spouse or significant other, or walk this life alone (by choice or by necessity). You are truly wealthy if you have what you need, regardless of what you want!

Whatever you have or don’t have, be content. As the Apostle Paul stated: “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” –Philippians 4:11(NIV)